Sunday 7 June 2009


National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP)
The National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) was conceived as a project by mutual resolve of the Overseas Pakistanis Foundation, the Ministry of Labor, Manpower and Overseas Pakistanis, and the Interior Division, so as to provide them with NICOP cards, and getting them registered. The scheme calls for the creation of a comprehensive database of Pakistanis who either work abroad or hold a dual nationality. The card is supposed to be produced at domestic or international entry or exit terminals.
There has justifiably been a recognition of the overseas Pakistanis, their services and the potential benefits to the homeland, which has led the Government of Pakistan to issue them with National Identity Cards for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP).
The NADRA Ordinance envisages issuance of NICOP to Pakistani workers, emigrants, citizens, or Pakistanis holding dual nationality, having been registered under the NADRA Ordinance. NICOP is an identification document to be used as a substitute for the NIC as and when requested. However, NICOP is more than just an identification document.
As per this ordinance, NADRA has been entrusted with the task of registering the overseas Pakistanis. NICOP, in addition to providing the authenticity of the individual, has additional features at the same time, as the person possessing the NICOP is entitled vise-free entry in Pakistan .
Security Features
NICOP includes a sophisticated array of security features to safeguard against any probable scam or tampering. It does carry machine-readable information, used to facilitate movement through sophisticated and automated immigration controls.
The special characteristics of NICOP help to protect its integrity. Some of the features are visible to the naked eye, while others may be verified using optical aids. The decrease in the human interaction and the provision of precise data from multitudes of records in a spur-of-moment makes the NICOP an extremely secure and authentic document.
Eligibility for NICOP
A citizen shall be a non-resident citizen if he:
is an emigrant or intending emigrant.
is, or is intending to be, resident abroad.
holds nationality or citizenship of any other country or state pursuant to sub- section (3) of section 14 of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951).
holds an immigrant or resident visa, permanent or otherwise, or equivalent authorization, permit or status, as applicable, of a foreign state or country.
Notwithstanding anything contained explained above, a citizen shall not be deemed to be a non-resident citizen under following conditions if:
his stay abroad does not exceed, or he intends to stay abroad for not more than six consecutive months inclusive of the time spent on temporary visits, if any, to Pakistan; or
he is proceeding under a foreign scholarship or training scheme approved by the Federal Government or the concerned Provincial Government; or
he is proceeding on Hajj or Ziarat and is certified by the Federal Government or an officer authorized by it in this behalf to be so proceeding; or
he is proceeding on student visa or for medical treatment provided that he fill and submit a form which shall be provided by the authority free of cost; or
he is a spouse, real child or any of the real parents or real brothers or sisters of the persons specified in CNIC rule provided that he is dependent upon the relevant person.
NOTE: No card will be issued to the categories specified in (d) and (e) above.
Benefits for Cardholders
Without prejudice to any other rights, benefits, privileges or capacities enjoyed by or available to a non-resident citizen who simultaneously holds the nationality or citizenship of any other country or state together with his Pakistani citizenship, such a non-resident citizen shall, upon issuance of the card to him and during the period of validity of his said card, have the right to enter into Pakistan without a visa from such port or place, by such route and in accordance with such conditions, if any, as are prescribed pursuant to section 13 of the Passport Act, 1974 (XX of 1974).
A valid card issued to a non-resident citizen shall be the conclusiveproof of his being a citizen of Pakistan for the purposes of availing protection of the Government of Pakistan in any foreign country or state as a Pakistani citizen. The Federal Government shall recognize, afford and ensure full protection to them as citizens of Pakistan under the law, to all cardholders abroad.
The Authority may arrange for and make available other lawful benefits, rights and privileges for holders of the card, as it may deem fit, in association with governmental or private organizations or entities in order to create more incentives for citizens to register under these rules.
NICOP Processing Fee
NICOP fee has been fixed as US $25/- per card for Pakistanis living in North America, Europe, Far East and Australia and US $15/- per card for Pakistanis living in Middle East, Malaysia etc, irrespective of age descriptions. (Subject to notification by Interior Division)
Validity of NICOP
Upon issuance, NICOP shall be valid for a period of seven years from the date of issuance. (Subject to notification by Interior Division).
Notwithstanding the validity period of NICOP issued to a person, the same shall automatically become invalid upon the said person losing his or her eligibility to apply for NICOP under the Rules. The cardholder shall then be obliged to surrender his or her card.
Documents Required
Completed English Application Form
Completed Urdu Application Form (not needed if you have CNIC).
4 photographs (passport size).
Bank Draft/Bank Receipt/Postal Order/Cashier’s Cheque for the fee ($25 per card for Pakistanis living in North America, Europe, Far East and Australia and US $15/- per card for Pakistanis living in Middle East, Malaysia etc) and valid for 7 years.
Copy of Pakistani passport (valid or expired for not more than 1 year), front 4 pages and US visa page/Green card.
Copy of National ID Card (NIC) or the RG-2 (Form-B) . In case neither is available, the registration of Pakistani children born abroad may be used (Form S-1).
Return envelope (stamped and self-addressed, for the receipt).
Application Procedure for NICOP
This forms is to be filled in by all non-resident citizens residing/ settled abroad in different categories. If the applicant is holding a Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC), the main Application Form (Urdu) need not to be filled in. However, if the applicant is not holding a Computerized NIC, the applicant shall also fill in the main Application Form in Urdu along with specified form in English Language.
Please carefully fill in all required information applicable in your case. Any casualness or mistake in filling in the form or any inaccurate information provided therein may result in delays or non-delivery of the card.
In case of any of family members (spouse, parents, grandparents, real or grandchildren, etc.) are also applying for NICOP, the separate form may be used by them for processing of applications and delivery of NICOPs of your entire family.
Multiple photocopies of form may be made and used and sent along with the all-necessary documents.
IMPORTANT: Family members applying together will get their cards at the address in their forms.
Please fill in the form in BLACK ink.
Please clearly print or type ONLY in CAPITAL letters and avoid contact with the edges of the box. The following should prove as an example:
A block may be left empty wherever a word ends and a new word begins in the same line or where nothing further is to be written.
Avoid any over-writing and other mistakes while filling in the form. Please make sure that the form is filled in as neatly as possible. If there are too many mistakes in the form, fill in a new form. Exact photocopies of the form (on A4 size paper ONLY) are acceptable.
Wherever small choice field boxes " " are provided in the form (e.g. in respect of type of application, gender, marital status, etc), the box adjacent to the appropriate answer is to be SHADED i.e. "¦ " and NOT to be ticked or checked.
Names in full are to be written in the order of first, middle and then last name.
Spaces provided for dates are to be filled in from the left in the order of, firstly, Day (DD); secondly, Month (MM); and, lastly, Year (YYYY) in four digits.
"NIC" stands for National Identity Card issued by GOP to Pakistani citizens who are 18 years of age or above.
Information required in respect of NIC or Pakistani passport may only be provided by persons holding Pakistani citizenship/nationality.
Details of foreign/non-Pakistani passport held by a person are to be compulsorily provided wherever required in the form (for dual Nationals only).
Application form has numbered items. All applicable items have to be answered/responded to. Most of the items are self-explanatory. However, item-wise description and instructions for guidance have been provided below where felt necessary.
Inland Bank Accounts (for NICOP)
Fee should be submitted in these accounts through money order or bank draft.
Habib Bank Limited, Satelite Town Rawalpindi . Account #: 3291-06
Habib Bank Limited, Khyber Bazaar, Peshawar . Account #: 2642-78
Habib Bank Limited, Arbab Road , Peshawar . Account #: 2391-06
Habib Bank Limited, Shaheede-Millat Road Karachi , Account #: 4025-97
Habib Bank Limited, Liaqat Bazaar Quetta Account #: 4902-37
Habib Bank Limited, Foreign office Branch, Islamabad Pak Rs Account #: 51010-8
Habib Bank Limited, Foreign office Branch, Islamabad US $ Account #: 60160-2
DPS Model Town Habib Bank Limited Account #: 4263-54
Askari Commercial Bank of Pakistan Inside Pakistan (13 designated branches)
Abroad Bank Accounts
Bank Accounts have opened with National bank of Pakistan/Habib Bank of Pakistan Branches Abroad.
National Bank of Pakistan, New York, London, Frankfurt, ParisHabib Bank of Pakistan , Netherlands , Amsterdam , Rotterdam , The Hague

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